Saturday, 7 January 2012


Who are they (ultras malaya)?

An Ultras has no name, only his good friends know him. An Ultras has no face, most of the time a hood is covers his head and scarf covers his mouth. An Ultras doesn’t dress like others and doesn’t follow and like the latest trends. When he walks the streets even though he has no supporter logos he is recognisable. An Ultra attacks if attacked, and helps when needed, he doesn’t stop being an ultras as soon as he takes off his scarf and return home, he battles seven days a week.

What is it to be an ultras?

Being an ultras is all this and a lot more, emotions and passion which you can’t explain in words to people who don’t wish to understand, and who would rather simply turn their heads and continue living behind glass, people who would never have the balls to break that glass and break through to the other side.

Ultras are different, but what unites them is their love for their club, their persistence in staying on their feet for 90 minutes in the rain or cold, they are united by the warmth from chanting at full voice, united while sleeping in a half-drunk state on a train that is taking them from an away game, united by the convoy through the center of the away teams, united by one sandwich which is shared amongst four of them after many hours of hunger, united by one look, by one idea, by only one mentality.

What is the Ultras? 

It was in Italy that the ultras first appeared. This old guard of football support, they encompass all the most extreme elements of terrace culture, from the joyous, jaw dropping beauty of a mass choreography to the sickening, stinking reality of murder.
The word ‘ultra’ derives from the Italian word ‘oltre’, which means ‘beyond’-as in beyond the limit. So being an ultra means being prepared to go beyond the limit for your team. It means trying to be the best, always trying to be one step above everybody else. An ultra always goes beyond the limit. Being and ultra is not something you can define. You don’t become an ultra, you are born an ultra. You need to feel the desire inside of you .It’s not something you can just do, that someone can tell you to do. “Come along, be an ultra”. No! It’s something that you do for your team, or for your friends. It’s not a code of honour. It’s just the law of the stadium. You go to the stadium to support the team you love. So it is not unusual that many things can happen once you are there. If one of us gets into trouble, if one of our mates gets into trouble then all of us are in trouble. That’s the code that keeps us together. It’s like a chain that binds them.

this is brotherhood

Ultras are a sanctioned form of sports team supporters renowned for their fanatical and elaborate displays of support. The defining activities of ultra groups includes the use of flares primarily in tifo choreographies, vocal support in large groups, their defiance towards the authorities and the display of banners in football stadiums, which are used to create an atmosphere which intimidates the opposing players and supporters, and pumps up their own team. Consistently rivals with ultra groups are identified with their respective teams.

Everybody has to be clear-headed and ready because the ultras have strategies, tactics and a great many tricks up their sleeves during a game. Just to prepare for one important game can take months – Choreography is an organised terrace support, involving the synchronised chanting, flag-waving, unfurling of banners and flare lighting in the stands. As we would see for ourselves, it;s terrifying but at the same time exhilarating to be a part of. That’s the atmosphere that you get in the stadium, the warmth of all those people around you screaming and shouting, cheering the team on. That’s what is great about it.

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